Thursday, January 31, 2002

Watched Kung-Pow last night, what a silly movie. Its fun to watch stuff like this once in a while, but the sheer lunacy shock-value effect kind of wears off after half-an-hour and begins to get a little annoying. Actually, I don't know what kind of drugs the writers were using, but they straight up went for the throat when it comes to annoying effects. Which almost makes it even funnier. The repetition thing is just insane. One absolute delight that had me squealing like a small child: towards the end of the movie they use the sound effect from the Bionic Man. Granted, this show was just slightly before my time, but it had enough of an impact on me during my precious impressionable early years. My mormon friends: Well, things didn't exactly end up as I planned. Which is typically why I try my hardest not to have any sort of plan. That's not to say that things didn't turn out well (performance orientation is baaaad). It's just not as I expected. I'm not disappointed though. Life is so exciting. Maybe we'll hang out again, maybe not. These guys had a curfew and the night was pretty short, which kind of bugged me. I mean, if they're in the business of saving me, why can't they break a rule like curfew? Sheesh. (yeah, I'm being semi-facetious) Tonight's agenda: I'll be signing up at the Y.M.C.A. on Augusta and San Felipe here in Houston. Yes, that's right folks. Physical activity (*gasp*). Supposedly this is one of the nicest Y.M.C.A.s in the Houston area. Why Y.M.C.A., you ask? Why not 24 hour fitness? Well, I'm not sure exactly why. It's just kind of cool to go to the Y.M.C.A. 24-hour fitness is so now, so today, so with-it. Y.M.C.A. is kind of ... well, timeless (in a short, relative way) I guess. We did go play raquetball there recently, and I liked it. They also have a basketball court there, which is one of my primary reasons. But I am a big fan of raquetball as of now. Also, payments go month-by-month instead of some monstrous 3-year contract. Hey, who knows where I'll be in three years. Knowing me, I'll probably stop going to the gym after about two weeks. We'll see. A big shout out to my buddy Sunny! Glad you enjoy the ramblings ... See, I got you linked right over there <----- .