Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Exploring extreme programming, and thinking about how I can it implement the practices in my workplace. I've been following this for a while now, mulling, thinking, considering. I've been subscribed (on and off) to extremeprogramming@yahoogroups.com and also read several websites. I can say that programming as a career carries with it certain areas of frustration that seem to be common across the industry. The cool thing is that XP is aware of these and attempts to address these problem areas (apparently rather successfully). The bad thing is change is difficult, particularly in a corporate environment. And, I'm not really good at making things happen. Well, it'll be a learning experience. I'll periodically throw up links to articles I find informative and interesting regarding XP.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Lots of goodbyes lately, more emotional than normal. A friend from church yesterday, and a co-worker today. Both people have been very pleasant and fun to have known. I guess for the most part I remain pretty emotionally unattached to people, but goodbyes always kinda suck. Well for one thing - these goodbyes have been great tributes to the like-ability of these respective people. The way people respond when you're leaving is a pretty clear indication to what sort of relationship-investment has been made. Especially today, I found in myself being quite reserved as far as sayin goodbye - I mean, what's the point, right? Life goes on. And it does. That's why I personally hate having to say goodbye - when I left austin, I just packed up real quick, walked out to my car, and drove off without looking back. Maybe that's bad ... maybe departures need to be done properly. Sometimes its just easier not going thru that. Next time, when my path takes a different turn - what would that goodbye look like ... ? ... For yesterday's going-away party, we went around and each person took time to make a comment about the person who was leaving and it was amazing to hear the things being said. And one person noted - it'd be nice to express these sentiments to people while they're still around.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Wingman (the commercial video)
(D) This chick's rockin' your bro on the dance floor. (D9) (G) But she's towing an anchor. (D9) (G) A junior investment banker. (Bm) (A) Who's talkin' about herself and not (F# on the2 nd fret with the B and Estring ringingout) much more. Oh (G) (Dsus) (the sung melody is an F#) So buy her a beer, (Dsus) (A) its the reason you're here: (A) (Bm) Mighty Wingman (Bm) (D) (A) You're taking one for the team, (Bm) (A) (G) so your buddy can live the dream: (F#) (G) (D) Wingmaaaaaaaaaaaan

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

my roommate thanh and my coworker duane have linux vs. windows battles. amazing display of wit as these intellectual giants clash. check out a cute note thanh left for me recently on my desktop:
i have a linux computer and it sucks big time. by big time i mean extremely sucky. everytime i want to do something i have to compile it? wtf? that sucks. compiling code that i didn't even write? so what happens if it doesn't compile correctly? do you have to fix it or correct the source code? my friend, bill said linux is the worst os in the world because it is free. he said that good things in life are never free. i have a laptop that's running windows xp and it rocks when i said it rocks, i meant it kicks major ass! what a great machine. i even bought it a new desk. it loves me so much because it kept telling me that i have new mail. i think that it's more than a machine. if i can make it into a woman, i totally would. it would get turned on when i push a magic button.
lol next up: the greatest dialog ever
Woohoo! Got the Larrivee in yesterday. After playing for several hours, I've decided it sounds pretty fantastic. However, my fingers are bruised and hurting now. :-) woke up this morning feeling a bit apathetic about life. spent some time thinking about the wonderful freedom that God has given to us. felt quite refreshed afterward. hoping to play some tennis today - hurricane, go away!

Saturday, July 12, 2003

a few events & updates: 0) daniel's Sanyo SCP8100 should be arriving any day now. awww yeah, time to fill up the phone book wit da digits... 1) ordered the Larrivee D-03, a canadian made guitar. should also come in later this week. yay. gotta upgrade the 6-string skills now. 2) volleyball victory today! our team record is now 3-2. we defeated a really talented team today, so the win was quite rewarding. 3) life has carried with it such a sweet fragrance as of late. there are ups and downs, but mostly, my heart has been mostly full of gratitude and joy, at just at being alive, and in knowing the Lord. can't stop smiling... 4) my strong & desperate desire has been to live a purpose-ful life, to bear fruit. what i think i know about bearing fruit: it doesn't come from a strong will power, or thru sheer determination, but instead thru staying in the love of God, thru continued intimacy with Jesus. thus, the dictate is of life is no longer "do not taste, do not touch," but instead - avoid, run away from the things that seem to hinder God's intimate touch and - run wholeheartedly, continuously, daily, fiercely, toward the things that widen the river of the joy of God into my life...

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

What the .... Karl Malone Gary Payton Shaquille O'Neal Kobe Bryant .. all playing for the Lakers?? You've got to be kidding me.

Monday, July 07, 2003

whaaaaaaaa! what an awesome weekend! my encouragement to you, if you know Jesus, is to cultivate your relationship with him with all your heart and all your might. "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all else shall be added unto you." Find other people who are passionate about Jesus, and run the race together, enjoying the best that God has to offer in this life. Don't allow weeds in life choke the life of God in you. my encouragement to you, if you don't know Jesus personally, is to find out more about him, from someone who loves him. Pray and ask Jesus to meet with you - he'll undoubtedly answer and life will never be the same again.

Friday, July 04, 2003

Happy 4th of July, everybody! Wooohoooo no work!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Lots of New Life Fellowship people have returned from various short summer mission trips (Uganda, Camp Barnabas, Kosova), and its so awesome and encouraging to hear the stories of what God has done thru them and in them. On that note, I like Julie's latest entry. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. (Phil 4:8)