Monday, June 10, 2002

Work is slow today, so I'll just jot a few thoughts before I head home. Had a wonderful time at church (yesterday) in the morning. Went to indoor rock climbing gym for the first time yesterday. It was pretty challenging- requires a lot of forearm and finger strength and endurance. I'm lookin forward to going back, and hopefully, to one day climb a real cliff. Just looking at the pictures at makes my heart beat fast and my hands sweat. Also tried my hand at mah-jong last night with some friends. Not for money or anything, just to learn it. Fun game. Got a lot of (big?) decisions to ponder and pray thru for the perhaps-near future. I'm reminded of that snippet I posted on my blog a few months ago by Hannah Whitall Smith, about being afraid of being in God's will. Of course it seems ridiculous when rationally thought thru, but I find myself drifting there lately regardless. Despite that, each day has been a great and wonderful experience of life. It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.