Wednesday, March 19, 2003
(random thoughts)
I find that there's something amazingly theraputic about playing basketball. I suppose this extends to most physical activities in general. After playing basketball tonite until my legs started cramping, I feel nice. A handful of kids from inner-city Dallas are on a tour of America, I beleive this is part of Sebastian Huyhn's ministry to reach out to kids. So we ate pizza together and hooped, and I think they're gonna be on their way up to California.
Went with cousins Michael, Andy and brother Daniel to an internet cafe to play some Warcraft 3 for a couple of hours. We got beat by the computer twice and won once. That game is pretty hard.
I find that having a definite set of goals in life helps tremendously. It gives a purpose to daily life - and man that's so good to have.
Spending time in the Bible, I'm rediscovering the beauty of some of God's truths.
- If God has justified me, who can condemn me?
- God will never leave me nor forsake me.
- God will use all things for my good.
- The weapons of our warfare are powerful and effective for tearing down strongholds of evil in our lives.
- If God didn't spare his only son for me, how much more then is he willing to give to his own?
- The joy of the Lord is my strength.
Spending time around friends is really nice.
Being around other Christians can be so refreshing - like water to the soul. God really provides the right people at the right time.
Although I often forget to do so, today on the way to work, I prayed for help for a critical problem that had been assigned to me. I made no headway the day before. After praying, the problem was resolved within an hour of being at work this morning - the answer practically revealed itself. So thank you God for your faithfulness and for reminding me.
I'm a bit scared of tearing my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament - in the knee connecting the fibia and tibula I think). So I've been doing some quad and ham strengthening exercises.
Cong is getting married soon!
Cousin Ping is getting married soon too!