Monday, March 31, 2003

It seems that skepticism has been en vogue (for the last decade?). It's the cool & rational thing to doubt and tread carefully in all things. I suppose that's understandable - suspicion doesn't just happen - its usually a reaction to observing flakey inconsistent behavior or just plain getting jacked. Give to the poor? Its easy not to when you know you've been scammed in the past. anyway, I just wanted to play What If? throw any of the scenarios around and run the risk of being labeled chicken little, along with other nutsos, but oh well. what if ... we're less than two years away from the third world war? what if ... china, russia, n. korea join in on the fray? what if ... the economy doesn't recover for the next twenty years, but continually gets worse? what of after-college plans, and dreams to get married, raise a family, retire in a nice house remain only distant dreams, a relic of times past? what if ... the Lord Jesus, he returns in this lifetime? what of friends & people who didn't know of the free gift of life? anyway. these are things i discussed with my roommate yesterday and i've just been pondering. really, in the blink of an eye, all of these can be here, or not. i guess this is what it means to have our lamps trimmed and burning, full of oil. more than anything, it gives a perspective by which to weigh my priorities, my time, my heart's affections & desires.